Trombone Grip
Our trombone grips are made for both tenor and bass trombones. We have also started creating them for alto trombone after a few requests, as well as student model trombones such as John Packer and small children’s C trombones like the Yamaha 350C. We have two types of steel we have laser cut to our specifications. Our standard weight is lighter and easier to adjust. This is ideal for players changing instruments regularly. We also make grips with a thicker steel if this is preferable to you. These are shaped in the same way, but will be harder for you to adjust. The advantage is they don’t flex at all. Please ask questions if you are unsure on what would be best for you. The video link shows you how to adjust the shape/ angles of your trombone grip easily at home. Every player will hold their trombone slightly differently, and have different shaped hands so this is essential for you to make the grip work correctly and feel comfortable. It is not a one size fits all, but a bespoke grip for you.

Bass Trombone